Point the Way
“I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart.”~ Vincent Van Gogh
As of today, only six weeks remain of the year 2012.
I began this year with some lofty goals. Some of them I achieved. Most, however, fell by the wayside.
As I meandered my way through 2012 from January to almost-December, I accidentally happened to do a few things I didn’t originally plan.
- I started running once again with purpose.
- Along with the running, I participated in four races of various distances (two 5Ks, a 10K, and a half-marathon). I also plan to run one more 5K in mid-December. My most recent races before this year were in the 20th century, so I’m considering these new race times post-50 personal records (PR).
- My husband and I spent much time and energy and prayer as we searched for a new church. We recently found what we were looking for.
- I’ve begun an in-depth Bible study with a group at my new church.
- After (finally) sitting for the ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) Certified Personal Trainer exam in mid-September, I realized I didn’t want to coach people on fitness unless I could coach them on nutrition. I started an online nutrition certification course in late September and hope to sit for the final exam before the end of 2012.
- I worked on a project for a local nonprofit earlier this year, and last week I agreed to help another friend with her own nonprofit dream.
When November arrived, it suddenly occurred to me how much I’ve veered off track from my original goals. I’ve spent a bit of time evaluating where I went wrong this year and how I can do better in 2013.
As a result, I have made some changes in how I spend my time. Painful changes. The changes helped. I feel as if I’m back on track… pointing in the right direction, anyway.
That’s the advantage of a midlife remodeling project.
You can change the blueprint and knock down more walls up until the very End…
How do you stay on task with your goals? Have you ever had to give up something you enjoyed to achieve something you wanted?
About Brenda
Morning person. Introvert. Longtime runner. Erratic sleeper. Fitness junkie. Lifelong learner. Coffee addict. Volunteer. Health/Wellness advocate. Coach. Blogger.