Mother, May I Skip the Month of May?

Today is my grandma’s birthday. It’s too bad she isn’t here to celebrate. She always loved cake and ice cream…
Maybe that’s why I do, too.
Today is my grandma’s birthday. It’s too bad she isn’t here to celebrate. She always loved cake and ice cream…
Maybe that’s why I do, too.
I’m doing a 21-Day Intentional Blogging Challenge with Jeff Goins this month. Today was the first day… and the assignment was hard.
I had to rewrite my About page. The original was from two years ago… when I thought I knew it all.
Just as iron sharpens iron, friends sharpen the minds of each other. ~ Proverbs 27:17
Today I am struggling.
Yesterday I had plenty of ideas for blog posts and stories to tell.
Today my word well is dry.
“A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.” ~ Sensei Ogui
I’ve been staring at these words (see the quotation above) for at least an hour.
They came through my Facebook feed this morning in the form of an infographic thingie, and they struck a chord.
Or was it a clank? And a loud one, at that.
I haven’t written for a while.
I debated on whether to admit that.
If you follow my blog, then it’s obvious. (And you’re thinking “Duh!”) If you do NOT follow my blog, then you’re a stranger and I have just admitted I’m less than perfect. Disorganized. Not truly committed.
Or perhaps I’m not that different from you.
Perhaps I’m simply afraid.