My Midlife Project

Remodeling a Middle-Aged Mom

Getting Unstuck

“Trust that still, small voice that says, This might work and I’ll try it. ”
― Diane Mariechild

When my children were young, I learned a valuable lesson — don’t offer too many choices.

I wanted my children to learn how to make decisions. To make the choice easier, I only offered two options. They could only choose “this” or “that”.

Apple or orange. Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham. Taco Bell or Burger King.

Too many choices equals confusion and overwhelm. Even for me, a middle-aged woman.

My inner child has developed a chronic case of “overwhelmfusion” in recent months — especially when it comes to this blog.

As the year winds down, I feel as if certain parts of my life have blown by all too fast. Other parts stay stuck in the mud left by the spring rains.

And my goals for this year? They are dust.

I can’t say I didn’t do anything this year. Many people would say I did a lot. Unfortunately, little of it was for me or my household.

I should be more selfish with my time. And more disciplined.

Even as I type those words, I feel guilty. How can I be so selfish? What makes me think I deserve more?

Because God deserves more…. and I think He calls me to BE more.

With so many roads I could choose for my journey, I’m not certain which direction to take. I am certain, however, of that still, small voice telling me to keep moving forward.

It’s one thing to stand still for a while and enjoy the scenery. It’s another to get stuck in the muck.

So, beginning today, I shall trust that still, small voice. Who knows? This might work. I think I’ll try it.

About Brenda

Morning person. Introvert. Longtime runner. Erratic sleeper. Fitness junkie. Lifelong learner. Coffee addict. Volunteer. Health/Wellness advocate. Coach. Blogger.

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